Sports can be a lot of fun. They are also a great way to get exercise exercise IMAGE SOURCE—GETTY IMAGES an activity that someone does to grow healthier or stronger, or to keep his or her mind sharp (noun) I do gymnastics for exercise. . But it’s important to play safe and keep your body healthy. Find out how.
Warm up.
GARETH BROWN—GETTY IMAGESBefore playing, take time to warm up. Go for a light jog. Learn a few stretches stretch VGAJIC—GETTY IMAGES an exercise which puts the body into a position that makes the muscles long and tight (noun) We begin each ballet class with exercises to stretch our muscles. . Stretching will loosen up your body.
Wear protective protective SHIRONOSOV—GETTY IMAGES used to keep something from being harmed (adjective) During the winter, I store my bike in the garage underneath a protective covering. gear.
HERO IMAGES/GETTY IMAGESThis includes helmets, pads, and mouth guards. Different sports use different gear. Make sure it fits you properly.
Drink water.
FRESH MEAT MEDIA LLC/GETTY IMAGESThe body needs water to stay healthy. When you sweat, your body loses water. That’s why it’s good to keep a water bottle handy when you play. Take a break and drink up!
Take care of yourself.
STEVE DEBENPORT— GETTY IMAGESIf you get hurt while playing a sport, stop. Playing with an injury injury SERGEYRYZHOV—GETTY IMAGES harm or damage to the body (noun) Kyle was removed from the soccer game because of an injury. can make it worse. Tell a parent or coach if you’re hurt.
Did You Know?
JOSE LUIS PELAEZ INC.—GETTY IMAGESIt’s important to listen to your coach. Coaches teach players the rules of a sport. Rules help keep you and other players safe. That makes for a good game.