Let's Eat!
People in the United States enjoy many types of food. Here are five dishes that are specialties in different parts of the country. Which would you like to try?
MAP: PANYA—GETTY IMAGES; PUSHPINS: TETIANA LAZUNOVA—GETTY IMAGES (5)Hangtown fry is a fancy egg dish. It has oysters oyster RICHARD T. NOWITZ—GETTY IMAGES a type of shellfish that is eaten both cooked and raw (noun) Oysters are my favorite food and bacon. The dish was created in the 1800s, during the California Gold Rush.
DEB LINDSEY—THE WASHINGTON POST/GETTY IMAGESA prickly pear is a type of cactus. In New Mexico, people cook the cactus pads. In Spanish, the pads are called nopales. They are eaten in tacos.
OMAR TORRES—AFP/GETTY IMAGESA krumkake is a crisp cookie. The cookies are rolled into cones. They can be filled with whipped cream. The krumkake was brought to North Dakota by Norwegian immigrants immigrant CHAIWAT CHANTANANUKUL—GETTY IMAGES a person who comes to a country to live there (noun) The immigrants were greeted by the Statue of Liberty. .
EDALIN/GETTY IMAGESApple pie with cheese is a traditional dessert in Vermont. Dairies in this state make some of the best cheddar cheese in the world.
ACME FOOD ARTS/GETTY IMAGESJambalaya is a favorite food in Louisiana. It is a spicy rice stew. Jambalaya is a mishmash Mishmash EDAFOTO—GETTY IMAGES a mixture of thing (noun) My wardrobe is a mishmash of styles. of African, Spanish, and French flavors. It is usually made with meat and seafood.