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Should School Bake Sales Be Banned?


Cupcakes and brownies are out. Carrot sticks and granola are in.

In Massachusetts, selling sugary treats at fundraisers during the school day is banned. Massachusetts is one of 24 states that have adopted the federal Smart Snacks standards. The rules were finalized in June by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Supporters think it is a good idea to limit the sale of sweet treats during the school day. They hope that will reduce health problems among kids.

Others say the rules make it harder for students to raise money for school programs.

Here, two TFK readers share their opinions.


Hadeyah Donaie, 11

Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands


Sweets should be banned from school fundraisers because sugar is not good for children. Some kids don’t know how to practice moderation, especially when it comes to eating sweets. Some schools have bake sales so they can raise money. But schools can raise funds in other ways, like selling raffle tickets, water, or healthy snacks. Schools should care more about protecting children’s health than fundraising.


Sana Majmudar, 10

Rockville, Maryland


Bake sales should not be banned because they are among the best ways children can raise money for school programs. Bake sales can be used to pay for field trips, sports teams, and other activities. Buying cupcakes and cookies is much more fun than buying carrot sticks and fruit cups. In addition, baking is a great way for kids to spend time and connect with their friends and family.